with SCIO/QUEST9 bio-energy


Welcome to one of the world’s most advanced Bio-resonance and Biofeedback systems!

QUEST9 (Quantum Universal Energetic Systems’ Technology) is the latest development of the very successful SCIO Biofeedback technology system. 

QUEST9 measures the body’s frequencies and where it’s focussing its energy. That information gives an understanding of your possible health needs, dysfunctions and vulnerabilities.

More than just an analysis tool, it is then possible to begin balancing these energetic imbalances, bringing the body back to a point of homeostasis. Healing takes place through energetic intervention, feeding back its own frequencies, giving the body true healthy energy patterns which enhance wellness and facilitate recovery. Analysis encompasses your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Simply put, QUEST9 is a high-tech, complementary health device which assists practitioners to find and correct energetic imbalances and health issues occurring within humans and animals.

Want more information…read on.

Quantum physics provides us with a scientific understanding of electro-magnetism, which is at the heart of devices like the Quest9.

The Quest9 Biofeedback device integrates the sciences of mathematics, quantum physics, fractal dynamics, electronics and computer programming.   Modalities such as naturopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, aromatherapy, colour therapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, biofeedback, bio-resonance and Rife frequencies, are some of the programs that have been successfully integrated into the QUEST9 system.

Such modalities combine to form a quantum universal electrophysiological  biofeedback system for the detection and reduction of stress, and the treatment of muscular re-education from injury, muscle weakness or dystonia, pain (TENS [transcutaneous electro nerve stimulation]), trauma/wound healing, charge stability imbalance, redox potential and electrophysiological reactivity.

The Quest9 Biofeedback machine is a universal electrophysiological biofeedback system and it includes the following Eight Universal aspects:

• Stress Reduction and Lifestyle Stressors Questionnaire
• Simple EEG [electroencephalography] brain wave stress reduction
including Cranial electrotherapy
• Three-pole ECG [electrocardiography] simple heart awareness
stress reduction
• EMG [electromyography] simple re-education of muscles
• GSR [galvanic skin response] and TVEP [transcutaneous
voltametric evoked potential]
• Transcutaneous electro nerve stimulation for pain reduction
• Trauma or wound healing and electro-osmosis
• Global Voltametric Charge Stability

The Quest9 biofeedback machine is a sophisticated, computer-based, non-invasive device that combines bio-resonance and biofeedback fields for analysis and energy balancing.


Quest 9 Bio-Resonance Technology

Complementary TherapieS

To support your tailored Quest9 plan, a range of treatments can be used to assist your health optimisation journey.

female hand holding a homeopathic bottle


Homeopathy can be used to balance emotional energy. The correct remedy can help free the mind to restore a sense of calm and stability. Homoeopathy treats the person as a whole. This includes the spiritual, mental and physical aspects.

a range of bach flower remedies in small bottles

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies are used to create balance in areas of emotional and physical disruption. The treatment specifically addresses the emotional body of the energy system and its purpose is to restore emotional harmony. Bach Flowers can be used in conjunction with any other form of treatment.

plant Eclipta prostrata commonly known as False Daisy

Herbal medicine (Western herbal medicine or Phytotherapy)

Western Herbal Medicine (or PhytoTherapy) is an age old practice. Modern practice draws on the knowledge of science and tradition to provide you with the best advances in herbal formulas. I use tableted formulas rather than liquid herbs for easy dispensing, fitting in with the busy lives we all lead.

Biochemic Schuessler Tissue Salts

biochemic tissue salts

Biochemic Tissue salts (or Schuessler Salts) are a wonderfully easy and natural way of treating the whole family from infants to the very elderly. Prepared form the 12 essential minerals of the body, Biochemic Tissue Salts treat mineral deficiencies at the cellular level. Chewed, dissolved or crushed, these formidable remedies have a unique place in providing lasting efficient health outcomes.

a pair of upturned open palms of a human


Reiki is a Japanese based hands-on healing technique used for physical and emotional balance. Through gentle touch it ignites the body’s ability to heal itself. I have seen amazing healings with Reiki from terrible leg ulcers to cellulitis and emotional breakdowns – all helped or healed with the use of Reiki. If you are constantly stressed, unable to switch off, feel out of balance but not sure why, Reiki is a wonderful non-invasive way to begin the process of your healing.

tamara herman using a set of sound bowls


A Crystal Singing Bowl Soundbath is a journey into calming your overwhelmed senses, mind and body. Working with a frequency designed to lower your blood pressure, reduce your breathing and heart rate, and even reduce pain, we are effectively bringing you out of ‘fight/flight’. Your body will echo the vibration of the bowls, relax and send to you a place of quiet, where you can be still within yourself.

I will be offering a free zoom Crystal Singing Bowl Soundbath every Tuesday fortnight from 6pm-6.30pm commencing Tuesday 20 February 2024. If you would like to be placed on the reminder list, please contact me at with your name, email and ADD ME TO THE SOUNDBATH LIST. Everyone is invited to join me for 30 minutes of blissful quiet.

1:1 Health assessment

If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs, a 1:1 health assessment using the latest technologies together with complementary therapies might be the right path for you to reach your goal.
Find out more by enquiring today.

confident, happy dark-haired woman sitting casually on a couch

“Tamara is an extremely knowledgeable and caring vibrational medicine practitioner. She has so much to share in her warm, funny and joyful way.”


MEET YOUR practitioneR

Tamara Herman - Quest9 health practitioner

Tamara Herman
SCIO Quest9 & Complementary Therapies Practitioner

Tamara Herman is one of Perth’s leading BioEnergy therapists. Using the most-up-to-date SCIO bio-resonance technology available, Tamara has dedicated the last 25 years to helping her clients return to a happy and healthy physical and emotional state.

“I use advanced Quest9 BioEnergy technology (SCIO) to assess my clients in a way that conventional blood, urine or X-ray technology cannot. Through this analysis, a comprehensive picture can be made in multiple areas or layers of disease. Not only can physical problems in the organs or spine be seen, but also disturbances in hormones, digestion, mineral/amino acid balance, emotions, meridian imbalances, chakra and aura imbalances and so much more. The technology is remarkable and when combined with a range of complementary therapies the results can be impressive.”